Wednesday, June 13, 2018

10 signs you are professional:

Linkedin is not Facebook, they say. Linkedin is professional. 
If they mean professional means boring, they got it all wrong. Work must have fun.
If they mean that pictures are not professional, they are insulting 8 million people whose job it is to create professionally made images.
Animals ? Talk to veterinarians, dog handlers, and pet shops - another 6 million people.
Or take this one:

So what does 'professional' mean?

Huge offer for professionals. Our mission is to represent, lead and serve the international aviation industry: Home Join this virtual silicon valley serving the aviation world and get rewarded hugely!
10 signs you are professional:
1. You propose solutions
2. You are responsive 
3. You are humble, friendly and good-natured
4. You share credit
5. You know your stuff but you never stop learning 
6. You do quality work
7. You beat deadlines
8. You listen carefully and ask questions 
9. You take pride in your work
10. You help others 
But Linkedin is different from Facebook and Twitter. 
1) It is about hiring and getting a job
2) It is about a community of people who help and inspire each other
3) Here hate and envy do not spread virally. When I come here I feel better. I get inspired, I get educated, I meet interesting people, I help and get helped.
I enjoy this social network. 
Do you ?
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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Future of Crypto Currency is NOW! Cloud Mining for Everyone

The Future of 
Crypto Currency 
is NOW!
Cloud Mining for Everyone

 1st - CLICK HERE to register for $36 Airdrop

   2nd - CLICK HERE to register 

for  Bitcoin Black Bounty and earn more coins [Optional]

 3rd - CLICK HERE to get Free Downloadable Program to mine BTC on your home PC. [See Contest info below]



Get Paid Thru 5 Levels of Referrals

ONLY HAVE A CELL PHONE? Register with Computta to get your own Referral Code
and earn Bonus Commissions thru 5 levels of Miners.  Earn 10% on 1st level miners,
5% on 2nd level miners, etc.  Refer the most people for June and win 30mBTC.

 4th - CLICK HERE to join Sphere.  What is Sphere and why should you join it?  See information below.

Not a Sphere member yet?  CLICK HERE

About Us

Sphere Network is a cryptocurrency social network created by experienced entrepreneurs.
What is the difference between Facebook and Sphere?  Facebook uses you as a commodity.  On Sphere,
you earn credits for everything you post.  Your information is NOT sold to private entities on Sphere.

Facebook or Sphere?  YOU CHOOSE!

SAT Credit FAQ

What is a Credit?

1 Credit is equivalent to 1 SAT (Social Activity Token) used on Sphere Social.

How do I get Credits?

You can earn credits by doing various activities on the site such as adding blog, creat new event..., etc.
Also you can purchase credits using PayPal account.

To see which actions you can perform to earn SAT, please visit:  Action Types and Credits

5th - If you also want to get into the business of selling cloud mining machines, it is possible:



Bonus: 20 Ways to Give Without Expectations